General Info

Where did Q4T come from?
Quoted 4 Truth came about after yet another a long night of hilarious IRC chat.  Random clippings of that conversation formed a solid week of posts, and both authors decided to start updating a q4t.txt file with other bits of excellence.  Both files quickly exploded, and it was clear there was something worthwhile to be had here.

The trendy-sounding way to describe Q4T is to say that it's a web comic minus the comic: Regular updates of small excerpts of conversations that are especially offensive and likewise especially funny.  The layout was streamlined for this and relaunched a few months later in its present form.  The collected bits of content were taken down and put back into the pipeline as a buffer.

So who does what?
Erd tends to handle the "technical" end of blogging, simply because he digs it.  They both contribute posts, but since the conversations always involve one, the other, or both by name in the body of the post, there's no reason to have the post author displayed in the post details.

Do you guys take submissions?
Fuck no.  I mean, if personal friends had funny shit to post, we'd probably do some guest post thing, but there's no way we're going to sort through submissions by random readers.  Sorry, but we don't have the time (re: work ethic) to do that.  Perhaps you should rip us off by starting your own derivative?  We're not worried: our IRC rooms and IMs are just as lively as ever, and we're just as deranged as ever.

Who's behind Q4T?
Check the Authors post.

Can I repost\link to your stuff in my blog\aggregate\any other publication?
As far as flat reposting, sure.  We encourage free advertisement so long as you give credit and don't modify.  It's all detailed in the Legal post.

Where'd you get the layout\chicklets\etc.?
It's all detailed in the Design post.
  • Thursday, February 25, 2010
  • Easy copypasta!

    Click the post titles first for direct links


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